Steven J Trzepacz, OD
223 E Main St Streator, IL 61365 815-673-1591
Steven J Trzepacz, OD
(Dr. Steve)

Dr. Steve is a graduate of Thornton Fractional North High School in Calumet City, IL
He received his BS in Biology from the University of Illinois in 1981.
He graduated with honors from the Illinois College of Optometry in 1985.

Dr Steve is a past president and current treasurer of the Starved Rock Optometric Association, a subdivision of the Illinois Optometric Association and the American Optometric Association.
He has been a member of the Streator Lions Club since 1985. He is the current treasurer and also a past president, and has been awarded Lion of the year, the Illinois Foundation Fellow, and the Melvin Jones Award.
He belongs to two honorary optometric fraternities, BSK and Tomb & Key.
Dr Steve enjoys golf, bowling, and fishing. He has helped present trivia contests for various organizations.
When his children were growing up, he coached or assisted in soccer, Little League, and YMCA basketball.